Nandrorox D (Deca, Nandrolone Decanoate)
The injectable anabolic steroid, Nandrorox D manufactured by Zerox Pharmaceuticals is well popular for the medical treatments as we llas bodybuilding performance upgrade.
- Indicated in Muscle wasting, Osteoporosis,Anemia & Severe Burns
- Builds mass & protein synthesis, increases strength & recovery – used in bulking phase;
- Contraindications:
- Prostate cancer, breast cancer in man severe liver or kidney disease.
- Allergic to Nandrolone, by pregnant and nursing women.
- Administered intramuscularly.
- Clinical dose: 50-200 mg every 2-4 weeks.
- Bodybuilding dosage: 300-600 gm per week, once or twice a week.
- Cycle duration: 8-12 weeks. Stackable with other steroids for better results It is recommended to have PCT (post-cycle therapy)
Medical Action:
A testosterone derivative with high anabolic and low-androgenic effect
Stimulates muscle growth, decreases nitrogen loss and increases red blood cell production.
- Testing liver and kidney regularly.
- Control blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Not suitable if you have any heart problems.
- Take note of any potential masculinizing effects in females
Side Effects:
Most frequent: acne; oily skin; hot flashes, sweating and flushing of the face less common or rare appearance hair loss increased body hair voice deepening in women.
Side Effects: Liver toxicity, cardiovascular problems, hypertension (raised blood pressure), cholesterol alteration & lower testosterone output.
May exacerbate side effects and result in significant health problems. Store in a cool, dry place & call 911 if you think overdose has occurred.
Although, being a muscle enhancer Nandrorox D requires responsible usage and frequent checking in order to be kept at bay from the risks involved. Balance the pros against potential cons for their health and look into other ways to get fit.
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